In this modern era, digital is serving as a tool for every purpose. Flipkart provides end-to-end commercial advertising services for enabling the brands to engage with potential customers. They help you in providing various advertising solutions that enable you to engage with potential customers. Flipkart advertising is considered as one of the most effective advertising e-commerce platforms that allow the advertisers to survive among the other competitors. With this service, you can keep track of awareness and consideration to purchase.

Types of Flipkart Ads

Display Ads

These ads on Flipkart are also known as Premium ads. Display ads provide you with better recognition, visibility, and reach for your advertisements. Your ad is placed in the front and center of the home page of the Flipkart app, in places where potential customers’ eyes would look out for, and on the site’s home page.

Product Listing Ads (PLA)

Customers usually reach out for the desired product through search, either directly or indirectly. PLAs are placed along with the potential customer’s search outcomes. These ads appear exactly like the outcomes with the only difference of this ad being an elusive invitation to the customers. Hence, this provides a discreet experience to the customers.

Attach Ads

This type of advertising format can be used to improve the short-term sales cycle. Attach ads can also be displayed to boost brand visibility. These types of ads are shown to customers when they are about to purchase a product. This can result in an increased probability of cross-selling.

Why Flipkart Ads?

– Reach a larger set audience through one of India’s best online shopping markets.

– Understand and engage with customers through consumer-related data.

– Better sales conversion rate via CPX (Cost per Action) charged at Ad group level.

– Better Visibility through innovative ad formats.

When there is an option to reach more than 50 million eCommerce visitors, then you can definitely expect a minimum of 20% conversion rate from such numbers

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